Where can I find captioned media?

When searching for captioned media, always make sure the captions follow quality standards (e.g., not auto-captions). To find media with quality captions consider these options:

Check to see if a captioned version is available online through various networks (e.g. CBS, NBC, Fox) or streaming service providers (e.g. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc.).

The Described and Captioned Media Program has a free library of over 8000 educational videos geared for K-12 audiences that are captioned. Register for a free account here.

Check with other local or university libraries to see if they have a copy of the video already captioned available to loan out.

Use alternative and comparable media on the same topic that is already captioned.

Contact publishers to see if they have copies of captioned media to lend or purchase.

Ask your colleagues on different listservs if they have copies of the media you are looking for.

If you cannot find a captioned version from outside sources, or the instructor will not substitute the media with a similar captioned version, develop protocols to get media captioned in a timely manner.