For Students
- How can I find a vocational rehabilitation (VR) office near me?
- How can vocational rehabilitation help me?
- Can I apply to vocational rehabilitation if I’m still in high school?
- How can I connect my hearing aid or implant to access my online courses at home?
- What are some strategies when working with remote interpreters or speech-to-text providers?
- How can I prepare if colleges continue online classes in the summer and fall?
- What are some ways to manage the switch to all classes being online now?
- What are some tips for success (shared from other students)?
- What resources will help me advocate for my needs with the disability services (DS) office?
- What can I do when my video is slow, fuzzy or loses its connection?
- The disability services office says they have no money or I have to pay for my own accommodations. Is it my responsibility to pay?