- What is Deafverse and who can play?
- How do I sign up to play?
- What accessibility features are available in Deafverse?
- What’s the Choose-Your-Future (CYF) Activity Kit?
- How do I use the Coloring Pages?
- What resources are available for teachers and students to play Deafverse?
- Do I need an account to play Deafverse?
- How do I adjust my settings?
- Hey, I’m playing the game, but I’m just seeing a blank screen!
- Why is the audio not lined up with the signing?
- Can I use a screen reader?
- Where can I find more accessibility support?
- What are the worlds about? Should I play them in order?
- Something went wrong while I was playing the game. How can I fix it?
- I finished the game! Now what?
- What’s a Teacher account and why should I create one?
- I have a Teacher account now! What is a Classroom?
- How can my students join the Classroom that I’ve created for them?
- My student somehow lost their password! How do I send them a new one?
- What’s the Teacher Strategy Guide?