What are the modules/courses in each category?
Foundation Modules:
- Deaf 101
- Attitudes and Biases as Barriers for Deaf People
- Exploring System Barriers and Discovering the Why
- Transforming Systems
- Legal Frameworks 101
Content Modules:
- Accommodations 101
- Coordinating Deaf Services
- Speech-to-text Services 101
- OnDemand Webinar: What are Assistive Listening Systems?
- Introduction to Remote Accessibility Services
- Introduction to Sign Language Interpreting Services
- Caption Media 101
- Designing Accessible Online Experiences for Deaf People
- Test Equity for Deaf Students
- Using UDL Principles for Teaching Deaf Students Online
Elective Modules:
- Exploring and Using Data
- Building Relationships with Deaf Communities
- OnDemand Webinar Topics
- Commencement for All, Making Graduation Accessible
- Preparing Access Services for Deaf College Students- Tips and Resources
- Does Auto Captioning Effectively Accommodation Deaf People
- Deaf People Leading the Way
- For Deaf People, by Deaf People
- Mentoring Deaf Youth leads to #deafsuccess
Implementation Courses:
- Improving Campus Access
- Advance Practices in Coordinating Deaf Services: Evaluating and Managing Services Using Data